Background of the Study
The day when the teacher served as a repository of information has long since passed. As a direct result of advances in technology, the pace at which the world moves is comparable to that of a jet (Golden et al., 2021). More importantly, technology involves information and communication, which can be defined as the handling and processing of information (texts, images, graphs, instructions, etc.) for use by means of electronic and communication devices such as computers, cameras, telephones, etc. More importantly, technology involves information and communication, which can be defined as the handling and processing of information (texts, images, graphs, instructions, etc) (Holley, 2021).
Learning, which is also referred to as web-based or online learning, is now an educational technology that is rapidly expanding in popularity in industrialized countries. It encompasses all methods of instruction and evaluation, including those that make use of technological tools like wikis, blogs, podcasts, and learning management systems like computers, the internet, and online connectivity in order to improve educational opportunities and research endeavors (Holley, 2021). This innovative method of teaching and learning offers potential benefits over the more conventional method because to its adaptability and the ease with which knowledge may be accessed by a large number of pupils all at once (Naqvi, 2007).
Learning also makes it simple to obtain any kind of material needed for academic purposes by making use of internet facilities such as technologies based on the World Wide Web (www) and other softwares. This benefit is especially useful for students. According to Nkanga (2007), online learning is a computer-supported collaborative learning process that uses the technology of computer as its main platform for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and enables both students and teachers to generate, advance, and share knowledge in a more common form. Online learning also deploys the technology of computer as its main platform for Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It would appear that the only viable option for the efficient dissemination and collection of information that can successfully accommodate the ever-increasing demand for access to knowledge, equity, and quality education in Nigeria is online learning. This is because online learning is the only option that is currently available (Gupta, 2021).
According to Markus (2008), online learning may be characterized as a learning process that is formed by interaction with digitally provided information, network-based services, and tutoring support. [Citation needed] It is a shift from traditional education or training to ICT-based personalized, flexible, individual, self-organized, collaborative learning based on a community of learners, teachers, facilitators, and experts. E-learning is any technologically mediated learning using computers, whether from a distance or in face to face classroom setting (computer assisted learning) (Golden et al., 2021).
1.2 Statement of Problem
One of the major problems faced by students in learning government is inability to remember what has been learnt. This problem is often caused by too much theoretical expression by the teachers while learners are passive listeners. Students memorize and regurgitate facts and concepts. These problems confronting the teaching and learning of government can be handled using slide presentations, audio-video presentation process and other interactive ICT software facilities in which a student interacts with and is guided by visual equipment aimed at achieving certain instructional goals.
Computer can be used to transform classroom instruction into a series of rich memorable experiences and thus, reduce boredom and forgetfulness in teaching subjects such as government. In the recent years, the development of microcomputer in the process of teaching and learning has become widespread in educational institutions (Onasanya, 2002). Abimbade (1996) reported that the use of computer (1) increases the time of learners devote to learning, (2) enhance the speed of available of data and information, (3) provide immediate feed-back, (4) assist less qualified teachers and (5) increase teachers efficiently and effectiveness.
Several studies have been carried out on academic performance especially on conventional students, but not much on online learning students within the Nigeria educational system. The need to sever this ground so as to extend the frontier of knowledge in order to help improve the unimpressive e-learners’ academic performance necessitates and serves as the motivating factor for undertaking the present piece of research so as to fill the existing important research gap. Therefore, this research seeks to examine the impact of online learning on academic performance of secondary school students.
Background of the Study:
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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